Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 9, Chapter 6 (The Downfall of Saubhari Muni) by Gunagrahi Goswami.
Dallas, TX
SB 9.6.4: The son of Manu was Iks?vaku. When Manu was sneezing, Iks?vaku was born from Manu’s nostrils. King Iks?vaku had one hundred sons, of whom Vikuks?i, Nimi and Dan?d?aka were the most prominent.
SB 9.6.5: Of the one hundred sons, twenty-five became kings in the western side of Aryavarta, a place between the Himalaya and Vindhya mountains. Another twenty-five sons became kings in the east of Aryavarta, and the three principal sons became kings in the middle. The other sons became kings in various other places.
SB 9.6.6: During the months of January, February and March, oblations offered to the forefathers are called as?t?aka-sraddha. The sraddha ceremony is held during the dark fortnight of the month. When Maharaja Iks?vaku was performing his oblations in this ceremony, he ordered his son Vikuks?i to go immediately to the forest to bring some pure flesh.
SB 9.6.7: Thereafter, Iks?vaku’s son Vikuks?i went to the forest and killed many animals suitable for being offered as oblations. But when fatigued and hungry he became forgetful and ate a rabbit he had killed.
SB 9.6.8: Vikuks?i offered the remnants of the flesh to King Iks?vaku, who gave it to Vasis?t?ha for purification. But Vasis?t?ha could immediately understand that part of the flesh had already been taken by Vikuks?i, and therefore he said that it was unfit to be used in the sraddha ceremony.
SB 9.6.9: When King Iks?vaku, thus informed by Vasis?t?ha, understood what his son Vikuks?i had done, he was extremely angry. Thus he ordered Vikuks?i to leave the country because Vikuks?i had violated the regulative principles.
SB 9.6.10: Having been instructed by the great and learned brahman?a Vasis?t?ha, who discoursed about the Absolute Truth, Maharaja Iks?vaku became renounced. By following the principles for a yogi, he certainly achieved the supreme perfection after giving up his material body.
SB 9.6.11: After his father’s disappearance, Vikuks?i returned to the country and thus became the king, ruling the planet earth and performing various sacrifices to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vikuks?i later became celebrated as Sasada.
SB 9.6.12: The son of Sasada was Purañjaya, who is also known as Indravaha and sometimes as Kakutstha. Please hear from me how he received different names for different activities.
SB 9.6.13: Formerly, there was a devastating war between the demigods and the demons. The demigods, having been defeated, accepted Purañjaya as their assistant and then conquered the demons. Therefore this hero is known as Purañjaya, “he who conquered the residence of the demons.”
SB 9.6.14: Purañjaya agreed to kill all the demons, on the condition that Indra would be his carrier. Because of pride, Indra could not accept this proposal, but later, by the order of the Supreme Lord, Vis?n?u, Indra did accept it and became a great bull carrier for Purañjaya.
SB 9.6.15-16: Well protected by armor and desiring to fight, Purañjaya took up a transcendental bow and very sharp arrows, and, while being highly praised by the demigods, he got up on the back of the bull [Indra] and sat on its hump. Thus he is known as Kakutstha. Being empowered by Lord Vis?n?u, who is the Supersoul and the Supreme Person, Purañjaya sat on the great bull and is therefore known as Indravaha. Surrounded by the demigods, he attacked the residence of the demons in the west.
SB 9.6.17: There was a fierce battle between the demons and Purañjaya. Indeed, it was so fierce that when one hears about it one’s hairs stand on end. All the demons bold enough to come before Purañjaya were immediately sent to the residence of Yamaraja by his arrows.
SB 9.6.18: To save themselves from the blazing arrows of Indravaha, which resembled the flames of devastation at the end of the millennium, the demons who remained when the rest of their army was killed fled very quickly to their respective homes.
SB 9.6.19: After conquering the enemy, the saintly king Purañjaya gave everything, including the enemy’s riches and wives, to Indra, who carries a thunderbolt. For this he is celebrated as Purañjaya. Thus Purañjaya is known by different names because of his different activities.
SB 9.6.20: The son of Purañjaya was known as Anena, Anena’s son was Pr?thu, and Pr?thu’s son was Visvagandhi. Visvagandhi’s son was Candra, and Candra’s son was Yuvanasva.
SB 9.6.21: The son of Yuvanasva was Sravasta, who constructed a township known as Sravasti Puri. The son of Sravasta was Br?hadasva, and his son was Kuvalayasva. In this way the dynasty increased.
SB 9.6.22: To satisfy the sage Utanka, the greatly powerful Kuvalayasva killed a demon named Dhundhu. He did this with the assistance of his twenty-one thousand sons.
SB 9.6.23-24: O Maharaja Pariks?it, for this reason Kuvalayasva is celebrated as Dhundhumara [“the killer of Dhundhu”]. All but three of his sons, however, were burned to ashes by the fire emanating from Dhundhu’s mouth. The remaining sons were Dr?d?hasva, Kapilasva and Bhadrasva. From Dr?d?hasva came a son named Haryasva, whose son is celebrated as Nikumbha.
SB 9.6.25: The son of Nikumbha was Bahulasva, the son of Bahulasva was Kr?sasva, the son of Kr?sasva was Senajit, and the son of Senajit was Yuvanasva. Yuvanasva had no sons, and thus he retired from family life and went to the forest.
SB 9.6.26: Although Yuvanasva went into the forest with his one hundred wives, all of them were very morose. The sages in the forest, however, being very kind to the King, began very carefully and attentively performing an Indra-yajña so that the King might have a son.