Hanumat Presaka Swami continues speaking on Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 7, Chapter 8, Verse 27. This verse continues the description of the battle between Lord Nrsimhadev and the demon Hiranyakasipu.
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yad dhasta-mukto nriharim mahasurah
punas tam asajjata khadga-carmani
pragrihya vegena gata-sramo mridhe
When Hiranyakasipu was freed from the hands of Nrisimhadeva, he falsely thought that the Lord was afraid of his prowess. Therefore, after taking a little rest from the fight, he took up his sword and shield and again attacked the Lord with great force.
When a sinful man enjoys material facilities, foolish people sometimes think, “How is it that this sinful man is enjoying whereas a pious man is suffering?” By the will of the Supreme, a sinful man is sometimes given the chance to enjoy the material world as if he were not under the clutches of material nature, just so that he may be fooled. A sinful man who acts against the laws of nature must be punished, but sometimes he is given a chance to play, exactly like Hiranyakasipu when he was released from the hands of Nrisimhadeva. Hiranyakasipu was destined to be ultimately killed by Nrisimhadeva, but just to see the fun, the Lord gave him a chance to slip from His hands.